Satyameva Jayate (सत्यमेव जयते)

Satyameva Jayate means “Truth alone triumphs”, it is a part of a mantra taken from the Hindu scripture Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.6.

It was adopted as the national motto of India on 26 January 1950, the day India became a republic.

It is inscribed in the Devanagari script at the base of the Lion Capital of Ashoka and is an integral part of the Indian national emblem.

 Satyameva Jayate – Sanskrit with English & Hindi meaning

सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः ।
येनाक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परमं निधानम्

Hindi Meaning

सत्य की ही जय होती है न कि असत्य की। यही वह मार्ग है जिससे होकर आप्तकाम (जिनकी कामनाएं पूर्ण हो चुकी हों) ऋषीगण जीवन के चरम लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करते हैं।.

English Meaning

Truth alone triumphs; not falsehood. Through truth the divine path is spread out, by which the sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled, reach to where is that supreme treasure of Truth.


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