Becoming cabinet secretary of India

Mother to son - One day you will make your parents proud by becoming cabinet secretary of India Son replies - मातापितृसहस्त्राणि पुत्रदारशतानि च । संसारेष्वनुभूतानि...

formlessness is not an experience of senses

Science have created & believed on the concept of multiple Universe, because it think in term of adjectives like quantity, colour, number and degree...

If I don’t know and look at this world, it has no existence.

When I see this world compared to my surrounding, it appears to endless and permanent. But without me as the seer of this world, irrespective...
तरति शोकमात्मवित् 

तरति शोकमात्मवित् 

तरति शोकमात्मवित्  - Chandogya Upanishad 7.1.3 The one who knows the Atman, he goes beyond pain. #Vedanta

By whose living many lives, he alone should live in this world !

यस्मिन् जीवति जीवन्ति बहव: स तु जीवतिवयांसि किं न कुर्वन्ति चञ्च्वा स्वोदरपूरणम् ।। By whose...

If I am born without the five senses, still can I exist in time...

Newborn child to his mother - If I am born without the five senses, still can I exist in time and space?

बँधा हुआ कौन है?

बद्धो हि को यो विषयानुरागीको वा विमुक्तो विषये विरक्तः।को वाऽस्ति घोरो नरकः स्वदेह-स्तृष्णाक्षयः स्वर्ग पदं किमस्ति॥ बँधा हुआ...

Ego depend on conditions of physical body & place of birth

In some birth, I was sitting in a mercedes, smoking a cigar and with inflated ego that "I am successful" In another birth, sitting on...

When I wake from anesthesia, what do I register ?

When I wake from anesthesia, what do I register ? I register previous absence of mind, non existence of physical body and non existence of...

How to curse someone in Sanskrit ?

मूत्रश्लेष्माशनः पाप निरयं प्रतिपत्स्यसे  -- ओ पापी , तू मूत्र और लार खानेवाला कीडा होकर नरक मे पडेगा ।
error: Veda Boys