How to this word called उदाजहार was formed ?

उदाहृ - To relate, narrate, declare, announce, To say, speak, utter;  उद + हृ (लिट्लकारः , परस्मैपदम् )    Occurrences of the word -  Purusha Suktam - धा॒ता पु॒रस्ता॒त्...

How these words गरिष्ठ: , श्रेष्ठ: , ज्येष्ठ: , कनिष्ठ: were derived ?

अजादी गुणवचनादेव - 5.3.58   "अतिशय" (when comparing qualities) अस्मिन् सन्दर्भे विहितौ "इष्ठन्" तथा "ईयसुन्" एतौ अजादिप्रत्ययौ केवलम् गुणवाचिभ्यः शब्देभ्यः एव विधीयन्ते । एतयोः द्वौ प्रत्ययौ (...

How these word जनता , सहायता were derived ?

सूत्र - तस्य समूह:   षष्ठीसमर्थात् शब्दात् समूहस्य निर्देशं अण् प्रत्ययः भवति । 1. काकानाम् समूहः (काक + अण्) = काकम् 2. बकानाम् समूहः (बक + अण्) =...

What does this word called “महानुभाव” means ?

महानुभाव means "Those who make great impact" ( महान् अनुभावः येषां ते )   अनुभावः means impact   महानुभावः - अनु + भू+ णिच् करणे अच् प्रत्यय  
Turiya (तुरीयः)

How this word ‘Turiya’ originated ?

Turiya (तुरीयः) Some philosophers highlights that according to Vedanta, there exists four states that occurs within the Atman (waking,...

How this word Purusha (पुरूषः) originated ?

Purusha (पुरूषः) It is mentioned in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ( बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् 2.5.18) स वा अयं पुरूषः सर्वासु...

How this word called पाखण्ड originated ?

When king Prithu performed 100 Asavmedhyagya , than due to jealously Indra stole his horse used in the yagya. As mentioned in Srimad Bhagavat Puran...

What is the meaning of word ‘Govind’ ?

Meaning of 'Govind' गोभिर्वाणीभिर्विन्दते , वेत्ति वेदान्तवाक्ययैरिति वा गोविन्दः ! The one who is...
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