What is the meaning of the word “Vriddhashrava” ?
Vriddhashrava (वृद्धश्रवाः) - one whose fame or glory is spread everywhere.
वृद्धश्रवाः = वृद्धश्रवस् इति ...
Vakratunda Mahakaya – Sanskrit with meaning
Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
"Vakratunda Mahakaya" is a mantra for Lord Ganesha. It is a prayer which is...
What is the meaning of word “पैतामह:”?
Paitamaha (पैतामह:)
पैतामह: = पितामह + अण् ( पितामहस्य अयम् meaning belonging to Brahma like brahmastra...
What is meaning of “सावयव” ?
सावयव - means "composed of parts"
निरवयव - without parts
अवयव (...
What is the meaning of word “अननूच्य” ?
Annucya (अननूच्य)
अनूच्य ( अनु + वच + ल्यप् ) - Learned
In case of वच...
Compound words for “bhuta”
भूत - भाव्यते स्मेति , living being or elements
भूतभृत् - भूतानि बिभर्ति...
What is meaning of words “Nasamte” , “Namastasye” & “Namastubhyam” ?
Nasamte (नमस्ते)
Namaste (नमस्ते), also called namaskar is a Hindu tradition to greet and respect a person.
What is the meaning of word “अनसूयवे” ?
अनसूयवे - is made from अनसूयु: ( उकारान्तः पुंलिङ्गः चतुर्थी एकवचनम् )
अनसूयु: - the one...
What is the meaning of word “अपिधान”?
Apidhan (अपिधान)
अपिधान means Covering, concealing
अनृत means false, not true
How lineage is derived in Hindu Scriptures ?
In Sanskrit Grammar, there are taddhita-pratyaya ( suffix ) which when added to noun, pronoun and adjective creates a new word.