How the word Sanyasa (सन्न्यास) was formed ?

सं + नि + अस् + घञ् ( प्रत्यय ) = सन्न्यास सं + न्यास ( putting away )...

What is the meaning of word “विषासहि”?

Vishasahi (विषासहि) विषासहि - is a name for Agni Adi Shankara in the commentary for Brihadaranyaka...

How this word called “स्नातक” was formed ?

ब्रह्मचर्य्यं त्यक्त्वा यो गृहाश्रमं गतः स स्नातकः   Those who left brahmacharya( studies ) and they have progressed to married life are called स्नातक ( graduate...
Tandava (ताण्डवः)

How word “Tandava” (ताण्डवः) is derived?

Meaning of Tandava (ताण्डवः) The word ताण्डवः is formed  - { तण्डु + अण् suffix } ताण्डवः ...

What is meaning of “सावयव” ?

सावयव - means "composed of parts" निरवयव - without parts  अवयव (...
पराञ्चि खानि

What is meaning of word “पराञ्चि खानि”?

"पराञ्चि खानि" word is used in Kathopanishad Chapter 1 Section 2 verse 1 पराञ्चि खानि व्यतृणत्स्वयंभूस्तस्मात्पराङ्पश्यति नान्तरात्मन्‌।कश्चिद्धीरः प्रत्यगात्मानमैषदावृत्तचक्षुरमृतत्वमिच्छन्‌...

What is the meaning of word “अनसूयवे” ?

अनसूयवे - is made from अनसूयु​: ( उकारान्तः पुंलिङ्गः चतुर्थी एकवचनम् ) अनसूयु​: - the one...
got his name ?

How Veda Vyas got his name ?

Veda Vyas (वेद व्यास) It is mentioned in Mahabharata Adi Parva chapter 63 verse 87-88 :
What is the meaning of Vishnu ?

What is the meaning of Vishnu ?

Meaning of Vishnu विष्णुः ( Vishnu)  is made of  विष् धातु (to pervade, to spread) when used with नुक् प्रत्यय​
Supankha (शूर्पणखा)

How Supankha of Ramayana fame derived her name ?

Supankha (शूर्पणखा) शूर्पणखा - शूर्पाणि इव नखाः यस्याः सा शूर्पणखा (बहुव्रीहि समास ) शूर्प  means  winnowing...
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