Hastinapur ( हस्तिनपुरम् )

How word Hastinapur (हस्तिनापुर) was formed ?

Hastinapur ( हस्तिनपुरम् ) Hastinapur - name of a city founded by king Hastin, said to be situated...

Usage of “मा” indeclinable(अव्यय ) with लुङ् लकार

Sutra - माङि लुङ् meaning - माङ्-अव्ययस्य उपस्थितौ धातोः लुङ्लकारः भवति (In presence of the अव्यय माङ्, लुङ्लकारः...

How this word ‘Manojavam’ is formed?

मनोजवम् (Manojavam) मनोजवम् -   (मनस इव जवोऽस्य  ) - the one who has speed (जव)  as mind ( मन)
lineage of Hinduism

How lineage is derived in Hindu Scriptures ?

In Sanskrit Grammar, there are taddhita-pratyaya ( suffix ) which when added to noun, pronoun and adjective creates a new word.

What does this word called “महानुभाव” means ?

महानुभाव means "Those who make great impact" ( महान् अनुभावः येषां ते )   अनुभावः means impact   महानुभावः - अनु + भू+ णिच् करणे अच् प्रत्यय  

What is the meaning of Krishna ?

Meaning of Krishna Krishna name meaning is explained by Adi Shankara in the commentary of Vishnu Sahasranamam, where he...
जघन्य अपराध​

How this word called as “जघन्य” was originated ?

The meaning of word जघन्य - जघने भवः यत् (any action done by using legs and thighs) Therefore जघन्य...
Why Vishnu is called Hari ?

Why Vishnu is called Jitamanyu ?

Why Vishnu is called Jitamanyu (जितमन्युः)? The word मन्युः means "Anger" जितमन्युः - जितः मन्यु: येन स:...
Supankha (शूर्पणखा)

How Supankha of Ramayana fame derived her name ?

Supankha (शूर्पणखा) शूर्पणखा - शूर्पाणि इव नखाः यस्याः सा शूर्पणखा (बहुव्रीहि समास ) शूर्प  means  winnowing...

What is the meaning of word “अननूच्य​” ?

Annucya (अननूच्य) अनूच्य  ( अनु + वच + ल्यप् ) - Learned In case of वच...
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