ये नैव विद्यां न तपो न दानम्

This verse was said by Rishi Markandeya towards Yudhishthira explaining the importance of actions and their results. It is mentioned in Mahabharata Vana Parva – Markandeya-Samasya Parva – Chapter 143 verse 92

Sanskrit Verse – ये नैव विद्यां न तपो न दानं

ये नैव विद्यां न तपो न दानं न चापि मूढाः प्रजने यतन्ति ।
न चानुगच्छन्ति सुखानि भोगां- स्तेषामयं नैव परश्च लोकः ॥

Hindi Meaning

जो मूढ़ न विद्याके लिये, न तपके लिये और न दानके लिये ही प्रयत्न करते हैं एवं न धर्मपूर्वक संतानोत्पादनके लिये ही यत्नशील होते हैं, वे न तो सुख पाते हैं और न भोग ही भोगते हैं। उनके लिये न तो इस लोकमें सुख है और न परलोकमें ॥

English Meaning

And those stupid persons who have neither learning nor asceticism, nor charity and who do not multiply their kind and are not given to worldly joys attain to happiness neither in this world nor in the next.


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