Meaning of name Sita (सीता)
word सीता is formed from { सि dhatu + क्त suffix } , which means a furrow, track or line of a plough
The dhatu used is – षिञ् बन्धने ( to tie, to bind, to quill, to interlock )
As mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana, Uttara kanda, Sarga 17 verse 44 , by Rishi Augusta to Lord Ram :
उत्पन्ना मैथिलकुले जनकस्य महात्मनः !
सीतोत्पन्ना तु सीतेति मानुषैः पुनरुच्यते !!
सीता ( हल जोतने से भूमि में बनी हुई रेखा) से उत्पन्न होने के कारण मनुष्य इस देवी को सीता कहते हैं।
Since Mata Sita is born due to Sita (line of a plough) , therefore she is called as “Sita”