Vanara (वानर) means related to forest (वनसम्बन्धी) or one who lives in forest like monkey or apes.
According to Ramayana, the Vanara helped Lord Rama defeat Ravana.
Valmiki Ramayana mentions in Balakanda – chapter 17, when Lord Brahma advise devatas that they should produce Vanara to help the Lord Vishnu in killing the Ravana.
अप्सरस्सु च मुख्यासु गन्धर्वाणां तनूषु च ।
सृजध्वं हरिरूपेण पुत्रांस्तुल्यपराक्रमान् !!
From the bodies of apsarasas, gandharvas women and chief women, please product sons in the form of monkeys who are similar to your capabilities.
Birth of Jambavan (जाम्बवन्त)
जृम्भमाणस्य सहसा मम वक्त्रादजायत ! – Ramayana 1.17.7
Earlier Jambavan, the head of bears was suddenly emerged out of my mouth while I was yawning.
Birth of Vali (वालि)
वानरेन्द्रं महेन्द्राभमिन्द्रो वालिनमूर्जितम्। – Ramayana 1.17.10
Indra gave birth to Vali, chief of monkeys resembling Mahendra mountain.
Birth of Sugriva (सुग्रीव)
सुग्रीवं जनयामास तपनस्तपतां वर: – Ramayana 1.17.11
Sun, great among those producing heat, gave birth to Sugriva.
Birth of main Vanara
Brihaspati produced a monkey named as “Taar (तार)” ( बृहस्पतिस्त्वजनयत्तारं नाम )
Kubera produced Gandhamadana (गन्धमादन:) and Vishwakarma produced a monkey named “Nala”(नल:)
Agni devata gave birth to Neela (नील:) , who has similar power as him (पावकस्य सुतश्श्रीमान् नीलोऽग्निसदृशप्रभ:)
Aswini devatas, produced Mainda (मैन्द:) and Dwivida (द्विविद:)
Varuna produced the monkey warrior Sushena (सुषेण:)
Parjanya produced Sarabha (शरभ:)
Birth of Hanuman
मारुतस्यात्मजश्श्रीमान्हनुमान्नाम वीर्यवान् । – Ramayana 1.17.16
Vayu, the windgod, produced a son named Hanuman, mighty and graceful,