गजाननं भूतगणादि सेवितं

Gajananam Bhoota Ganadhi Sevitam – Sanskrit with Hindi and English meaning

गजाननं भूतगणादि सेवितं कपित्थजम्बूफलसार भक्षितम् ।
उमासुतं शोकविनाशकारणं नमामि विघ्नेश्वर पादपङ्कजम् ॥

Hindi Meaning

हाथी के मुख वाले, भूत-गणों के द्वारा सेवित, कैथ एवं जामुन फलो का भक्षण करने वाले, शोक के नाशकर्ता, उमा-पुत्र का मैं नमन करता हूं, विघ्नों के हर्ता गणेश जी के चरण-कमलों में प्रणाम् !

English Meaning

I pray to Gajananam ( who has elephant face ), who is served by the Bhuta-Ganas and who eats the Kapitha (wood apple) and Jambu (Rose Apple) fruits.

I pray to the lotus-feet of son of goddess Uma, one who destroys sorrow and removes obstacles.

Meaning of कपित्थ: and जम्बू:

कपित्थ: = Wood Apple tree ( बेलपत्थर)

कपि + स्था + कः (कपिः तिष्ठति फलप्रियत्वात् लोभात् वा यत्र) – a tree where monkey stay, due to greed of the fruits is called “कपित्थ”

जम्बू: – जामुन


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