Ksatta (क्षत्ता)
क्षत्तृ [क्षद् संज्ञायाम् तृच् Uṇ.2.91.] –
1 One who cuts or carves anything
2 An attendant, a door-keeper
3 A Charioteer
4 A man born of a Shudra man and Kshatriya woman
5 The son of a female slave – Vidura (विदुर)
Reference in Bhagavata Purana
यावत: कृतवान् प्रश्नान् क्षत्ता कौषारवाग्रत: ।
जातैकभक्तिर्गोविन्दे तेभ्यश्चोपरराम ह ।। — Bhagavata purana 1.13.2
After asking various questions and becoming established in the service of Lord Krishna, Vidura retired from putting questions to Maitreya Muni.
Reference in Mahabharata
तस्यां संसदि सर्वेषां क्षत्तारं पूजयाम्यहम् ।
वृत्तेन हि भवत्यार्यो न धनेन न विद्यया ।। – Mahabharata Udyog Parva – chapter 90 verse 53
I give more respect to Vidura in the assembly of Kauravas ( because he openly opposed the sinful act toward Draupadi). A man is respected by his behavior, neither by wealth nor by his knowledge.