उदर निमित्तं बहुकृत वेषः

Udara Nimittam Bahukrita Veshah

“Udara Nimittam Bahukrita Veshah (उदर निमित्तं बहुकृत वेषः) phrase is mentioned in Bhaj Govindam verse 15 , which was composed by Adi Sankara

“Udara Nimittam Bahukrita Veshah” means “All these different attire which men wear, are only to feed the stomach”

Udara Nimittam Bahukrita Veshah – meaning

जटिलो मुण्डी लुञ्छितकेशः काषायाम्बरबहुकृतवेषः ।
पश्यन्नपि चन पश्यति मूढः उदरनिमित्तं बहुकृतवेषः

One is with matted hair , another with a shaven head , another with fallen hair, one is with a saffron attire.

Each is a fool for he sees and yet doesn’t see. All these different attires and lifestyles are meant only for the sake of feeding their belly.


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