
Vishasahi (विषासहि)

विषासहि – is a name for Agni

Adi Shankara in the commentary for Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.1.7 has given the meaning of this word as ” विषासहिः मर्षयिता परेषाम् ” means “one who endure the others”

Vishasahi (विषासहि) in Upanishad

Following is the mention for this word in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.1.7: –

स होवाच गार्ग्यो य एवायमग्नौ पुरुष एतमेवाहं ब्रह्मोपास इति स होवाचाजातशत्रुर्मा मैतस्मिन्संवदिष्ठा विषासहिरिति वा अहमेतमुपास इति स य एतमेवमुपास्ते विषासहिर्ह भवति विषासहिर्हास्य प्रजा भवति ( Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.1.7 )


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