Nachiketa Tal
Nachiketa Tal


Nachiketa (नचिकेता), is the son of the sage Vajashravas (वाजश्रवस). His reference has came in Katho Upanishad as a child who had dialogue with Lord Yama about the nature of the atman (soul).

Lord Yama first hesitated to thought him about Atman, and offered Nachiketa various material objects, kingdom and wealth just to make him not to ask questions related the Atman (soul).

Nachiketa was determined to know about the self knowledge, so he rejected those offers. Finally he was taught self-knowledge by Yama, the god of death.

Temptations given to Nachiketa by Yama

शतायुषः पुत्रपौत्रान्वृणीष्व बहून्पशून्हस्तिहिरण्यमश्वान्‌।
भूमेर्महदायतनं वृणीष्व स्वयं च जीव शरदो यावदिच्छसि ॥ – Katho Upanishad 1.23

Choose sons and grandsons who shall live each a hundred years, choose cattle and elephants and gold and horses; choose a kingdom on earth and you can live for as many years as you want.

एतत्तुल्यं यदि मन्यसे वरं वृणीष्व वित्तं चिरजीविकां च।
महाभूमौ नचिकेतस्त्वमेधि कामानां त्वां कामभाजं करोमि ॥

If you want I can offer wealth and never ending life to you; O Nachiketa, I can make you king of great land; I can fulfill your all desires.

ये ये कामा दुर्लभा मर्त्यलोके सर्वान्कामांश्छन्दतः प्रार्थयस्व।
इमा रामाः सरथाः सतूर्या न हीदृशा लम्भनीया मनुष्यैः।
आभिर्मत्प्रत्ताभिः परिचारयस्व नचिकेतो मरणं माऽनुप्राक्शीः

These objects are unachievable for an individual on earth, i will give them to you. These Apsaras (अप्सरा) with their charioteers and instruments, men cannot achieve them but I will give them to you. You can make these Apsaras given by you as your servant, but don’t ask about the nature of death.

Rejection of Material Objects by Nachiketa

श्वोभावा मर्त्यस्य यदन्तकैतत्सर्वेन्द्रियाणां जरयन्ति तेजः।
अपि सर्वं जीवितमल्पमेव तवैव वाहास्तव नृत्यगीते ॥ – Katho Upanishad 1.26

O Yama ! these material objects will not stay till tomorrow and they wear away all this glory of his senses; This life is for a little time. Please keep these chariots and instruments with you.

न वित्तेन तर्पणीयो मनुष्यो लप्स्यामहे वित्तमद्राक्श्म चेत्त्वा।
जीविष्यामो यावदीशिष्यसि त्वं वरस्तु मे वरणीयः स एव ॥

“Man can never be satisfied by wealth. we shall get wealth because we have see you lord Yama and with your grace I will live long. This boon I desire nothing else.

अजीर्यताममृतानामुपेत्य जीर्यन्मर्त्यः क्वधःस्थः प्रजानन्‌।
अभिध्यायन्वर्णरतिप्रमोदानतिदीर्घे जीविते को रमेत ॥

Who will be that man who grows old and dwells down unhappy on this earth, when he has come into the contact of the wise men and gets knowledge. Than looking very closely to these beauty, enjoyment and pleasure, will he take delight in long living?


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