
How this word is formed – “मिष्ठान” ?

मिष्ठान The correct word is "मिष्टान्न" , which is wrongly pronounced and used as "मिष्ठान"

What is the meaning of word “विषूची” ?

विषूची दूरमेते विपरीते विषूची अविद्या या च विद्येति ज्ञाता - कठोपनिषद अध्याय 1.2.4 Meaning

What is the meaning of the word “Vriddhashrava” ?

Vriddhashrava Vriddhashrava (वृद्धश्रवाः) - one whose fame or glory is spread everywhere. वृद्धश्रवाः = वृद्धश्रवस् इति ...

Vakratunda Mahakaya – Sanskrit with meaning

Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha "Vakratunda Mahakaya" is a mantra for Lord Ganesha. It is a prayer which is...

What is the meaning of word “पैतामह:”?

Paitamaha (पैतामह:) पैतामह: = पितामह + अण् ( पितामहस्य अयम् meaning belonging to Brahma like brahmastra...

What is meaning of “सावयव” ?

सावयव - means "composed of parts" निरवयव - without parts  अवयव (...

What is the meaning of word “अननूच्य​” ?

Annucya (अननूच्य) अनूच्य  ( अनु + वच + ल्यप् ) - Learned In case of वच...

Compound words for “bhuta”

Bhuta भूत - भाव्यते स्मेति , living being or elements भूतभृत् - भूतानि बिभर्ति...

What is meaning of words “Nasamte” , “Namastasye” & “Namastubhyam” ?

Nasamte (नमस्ते) Namaste (नमस्ते), also called namaskar is a Hindu tradition to greet and respect a person.

What is the meaning of word “अनसूयवे” ?

अनसूयवे - is made from अनसूयु​: ( उकारान्तः पुंलिङ्गः चतुर्थी एकवचनम् ) अनसूयु​: - the one...

What is the meaning of word “अपिधान”?

Apidhan (अपिधान) अपिधान means Covering, concealing अनृत  means false, not true

How lineage is derived in Hindu Scriptures ?

In Sanskrit Grammar, there are taddhita-pratyaya ( suffix ) which when added to noun, pronoun and adjective creates a new word.

How this word भरतर्षभ:, पुरुषर्षभः formed ?

Bharatarsabha (भरतर्षभ:) Bharatarsabha (भरतर्षभ:) is a epithet used for Arjuna in Bhagavata Gita, because he belong to lineage of King Bharata....

What is the meaning of Urukrama ?

Ururkrama (उरुक्रमः) उरुक्रमः = उरु (great) + क्रमः (strides) It is an adjective used...

What is meaning of word “पराञ्चि खानि”?

"पराञ्चि खानि" word is used in Kathopanishad Chapter 1 Section 2 verse 1 पराञ्चि खानि व्यतृणत्स्वयंभूस्तस्मात्पराङ्पश्यति नान्तरात्मन्‌।कश्चिद्धीरः प्रत्यगात्मानमैषदावृत्तचक्षुरमृतत्वमिच्छन्‌...

What is the meaning of word “ऊष्मपाः” ?

ऊष्मपाः (Usmapas) ऊष्मपाः means ऊष्मभागा हि पितरः ( taittiriya brahmana 1।3।10।6) - Those ancestors who feed on hot food

What is the meaning of word “विषासहि”?

Vishasahi (विषासहि) विषासहि - is a name for Agni Adi Shankara in the commentary for Brihadaranyaka...

What is meaning of word “Matarisva”?

Matarisva (मातरिश्वा) मातरिश्वा is derived from मातरिश्वन्  मातरिश्वा means मातरि अन्तरीक्षे श्वयति इति ( air which...

What is the meaning of word “जातवेदा” ?

जातवेदा is derived from the word जातवेदस् - meaning "having whatever is born or created as his property"...

How this word called as “जघन्य” was originated ?

The meaning of word जघन्य - जघने भवः यत् (any action done by using legs and thighs) Therefore जघन्य...

Story of Jain monk

Introduction of the story  This story is taken from Panchatantra (पञ्चतन्त्र) and is called as Kshapanaka Katha (क्षपणक–कथा). Kshapanaka means...

How this word “Putr” was derived ?

As mentioned in Mahabharata Adi Parva chapter 74 verse 39, When Shakuntala went to King Dushyanta he said this statement towards him.

How this word अत्यस्राक्षीः is formed ?

How this word अत्यस्राक्षीः is formed ? अत्यस्राक्षीः (अति + सृज् धातु ) means to reject ,...

Use of वच् and ब्रू dhatu in Bhagavad Gita​

These two dhatus वच् and ब्रू have many similar forms, so it creates confusion during its usage. We...

How words आरुरुक्षु:, सुषुप्सु:, जिज्ञासु:, मुमुक्षु: are formed ?

सन्प्रत्ययः (इच्छार्थकः - desiderative) - यदि किसी क्रिया के करने की इच्छा होती है, तो उस...

Why Vishnu is called Agrani ?

Why Vishnu is called Agrani (अग्रणीः)? Agrani  -  अग्रे नीयतेऽसौ (अग्र + नी + क्विप्) - the one who...

Why Vishnu is called Jitamanyu ?

Why Vishnu is called Jitamanyu (जितमन्युः)? The word मन्युः means "Anger" जितमन्युः - जितः मन्यु: येन स:...

How word “Tandava” (ताण्डवः) is derived?

Meaning of Tandava (ताण्डवः) The word ताण्डवः is formed  - { तण्डु + अण् suffix } ताण्डवः ...

What is the meaning of word “midhusha” (मीढुषे)?

Meaning - Midhusha (मीढुषे) 'मीढ्वस्'  word is formed from Sanskrit dhatu (धातु:) -  मिहँ सेचने ( to sprinkle)

Why Draupadi is called as Yagyaseni ?

Yagyaseni  Yagyaseni (याज्ञसेनी) means a women born from Yagyasena. Yagyasena (यज्ञसेनः) is another name of Draupad (द्रुपद), the father...

What basis the sequence of Radha-Krishna is arrived?

What basis the sequence of Radha-Krishna (राधा-कृष्ण) is arrived? As per Sanskrit grammar, there is sutra in द्वन्द्व समास...

How Veda Vyas got his name ?

Veda Vyas (वेद व्यास) It is mentioned in Mahabharata Adi Parva chapter 63 verse 87-88 :

How the word Sanyasa (सन्न्यास) was formed ?

सं + नि + अस् + घञ् ( प्रत्यय ) = सन्न्यास सं + न्यास ( putting away )...

How the word Adhyatam (अध्यात्म) was formed ?

Adhyatam (अध्यात्म) Adhyatam   -  अधि ( to know ) + आत्मन् ( self ) - to know the...

What is the meaning of Asura ?

Asura(असुर) Mentioned by Adi Shankaracharya in his commentary of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.1 स्वेषु एव असुषु रमणात्...

How Supankha of Ramayana fame derived her name ?

Supankha (शूर्पणखा) शूर्पणखा - शूर्पाणि इव नखाः यस्याः सा शूर्पणखा (बहुव्रीहि समास ) शूर्प  means  winnowing...

What is the meaning of Antaryami (अन्तर्यामी) ?

Antaryami (अन्तर्यामी) अन्तर्यामी - अन्तर्मध्ये यमयति स्वस्व कार्य्येषु इन्द्रियादीनि नियोजयति Antaryami...

How this word ‘Manojavam’ is formed?

मनोजवम् (Manojavam) मनोजवम् -   (मनस इव जवोऽस्य  ) - the one who has speed (जव)  as mind ( मन)

What is the meaning of Krishna ?

Meaning of Krishna Krishna name meaning is explained by Adi Shankara in the commentary of Vishnu Sahasranamam, where he...

What is the meaning of Vishnu ?

Meaning of Vishnu विष्णुः ( Vishnu)  is made of  विष् धातु (to pervade, to spread) when used with नुक् प्रत्यय​

Why Indra is called as Shatakratu ?

Why Indra is called as Shatakratu ( शतक्रतु ) ? As mentioned in Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 33 verse 39 

What is the meaning of Govind ?

Govind - Meaning "गो:" word has many meanings like वाणी / वेदः, धरा, धेनुः, इन्द्रियं ( speech, earth,...

How this word called “स्नातक” was formed ?

ब्रह्मचर्य्यं त्यक्त्वा यो गृहाश्रमं गतः स स्नातकः   Those who left brahmacharya( studies ) and they have progressed to married life are called स्नातक ( graduate...

Wrong pronunciation of ‘Hrishikesh’ formed ‘Rishikesh’

How word Rishikesh (ऋषिकेश) was formed ? This word "ऋषिकेश"  was formed due to wrong pronunciation of original word...

How this word Atithi (अतिथि) is formed ?

Atithi (अतिथि) It is mentioned in Manu Smriti chapter 3 verse 102 एकरात्रं तु निवसन्नतिथिर्ब्राह्मणः स्मृतः...

Usage of “मा” indeclinable(अव्यय ) with लुङ् लकार

Sutra - माङि लुङ् meaning - माङ्-अव्ययस्य उपस्थितौ धातोः लुङ्लकारः भवति (In presence of the अव्यय माङ्, लुङ्लकारः...

How word Hastinapur (हस्तिनापुर) was formed ?

Hastinapur ( हस्तिनपुरम् ) Hastinapur - name of a city founded by king Hastin, said to be situated...

How to this word called उदाजहार was formed ?

उदाहृ - To relate, narrate, declare, announce, To say, speak, utter;  उद + हृ (लिट्लकारः , परस्मैपदम् )    Occurrences of the word -  Purusha Suktam - धा॒ता पु॒रस्ता॒त्...

How these words गरिष्ठ: , श्रेष्ठ: , ज्येष्ठ: , कनिष्ठ: were...

अजादी गुणवचनादेव - 5.3.58   "अतिशय" (when comparing qualities) अस्मिन् सन्दर्भे विहितौ "इष्ठन्" तथा "ईयसुन्" एतौ अजादिप्रत्ययौ केवलम् गुणवाचिभ्यः शब्देभ्यः एव विधीयन्ते । एतयोः द्वौ प्रत्ययौ (...

How these word जनता , सहायता were derived ?

सूत्र - तस्य समूह:   षष्ठीसमर्थात् शब्दात् समूहस्य निर्देशं अण् प्रत्ययः भवति । 1. काकानाम् समूहः (काक + अण्) = काकम् 2. बकानाम् समूहः (बक + अण्) =...

What does this word called “महानुभाव” means ?

महानुभाव means "Those who make great impact" ( महान् अनुभावः येषां ते )   अनुभावः means impact   महानुभावः - अनु + भू+ णिच् करणे अच् प्रत्यय  

How this word ‘Turiya’ originated ?

Turiya (तुरीयः) Some philosophers highlights that according to Vedanta, there exists four states that occurs within the Atman (waking,...

How this word Purusha (पुरूषः) originated ?

Purusha (पुरूषः) It is mentioned in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ( बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् 2.5.18) स वा अयं पुरूषः सर्वासु...

How this word called पाखण्ड originated ?

When king Prithu performed 100 Asavmedhyagya , than due to jealously Indra stole his horse used in the yagya. As mentioned in Srimad Bhagavat Puran...

What is the meaning of word ‘Govind’ ?

Meaning of 'Govind' गोभिर्वाणीभिर्विन्दते , वेत्ति वेदान्तवाक्ययैरिति वा गोविन्दः ! The one who is...
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